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Review – It Was Fifty Years Ago Today! The Beatles: Sgt Pepper and Beyond

It was 50 years ago that The Beatles released their Sgt Pepper album and arguably changed the face (and sound) of the music industry forever more. The eighth LP by the best-selling band in history has sold more than 30 million copies!

A new documentary to mark the momentous anniversary looks back on the time leading up to the release of the game-changing record, and the unique circumstances in which the Beatles found themselves. Having become the most famous band in the world, offended the other half with a certain Jesus-related comment (I’m looking at you, Lennon), toured the world a few times over, had countless hits sit atop the global charts for record lengths of time, one has to wonder… where to go from here? When better seems impossible, you have to be different… you have to do game-changing. And that’s what they did.

This is a classic documentary that mixes the best bits of 1960s Beatle-mania footage with talking heads who give descriptive insight into the times. They include people who worked with the Beatles, grew up listening to them, partied with them, meditated with them, and all the rest. However, for a documentary about Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band none of the music from the album actually features in the documentary. Apple holds the promo videos for Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane and A Day In The Life. Without approval, director Alan G. Parker decided to press on with no music.

For those of us not lucky enough to be alive during this iconic era, this film will transport you there, and is skilful in its ability to stir nostalgic feelings for a time never personally experienced. It won’t change your life, but it’s a must-see for Beatles fans or those in the music industry, and overall a thoroughly lovely tribute to a legendary piece of art. We hope you will enjoy the show!


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