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The 2000 AD Annual returns!

Posted by on Jun 18, 2024 in action, All, comedy, Comics, drama, fantasy, horror, News, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

After an absence of three decades, the first 2000 AD Annual of the 21st Century arrives in November – in plenty of time to make it under...

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The next issue of 2000AD is a perfect jumping on point for new readers

Posted by on Mar 25, 2024 in All, Art, Comics, News | 0 comments

New readers start here! The new issue of 2000 AD has been precision-tooled for those hungry to discover why it’s called the Galaxy’s...

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Duncan Jones wraps principal photography on 2000AD’s Rogue Trooper movie

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in action, All, animated, Comics, drama, Film, Headline, News, sci-fi, thriller, war | 1 comment

Duncan Jones’ (Moon, Source Code, Warcraft, Mute) eagerly anticipated movie adaptation of classic British comic Rogue Trooper has wrapped...

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Rogue Trooper: Blighty Valley – Check out the cover and preview for the new graphic novel

Posted by on Aug 29, 2023 in action, All, Art, Comics, News, sci-fi, thriller, war | 0 comments

Tuesday 29th September marks the anniversary of Rogue Trooper’s debut in the pages of 2000 AD, and to celebrate Rebellion has sent over...

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Duncan Jones gives an update on the Rogue Trooper movie

Posted by on Jul 23, 2019 in action, All, Comics, Film, News, sci-fi, thriller, war | 0 comments

Duncan Jones (Moon, Warcraft, Source Code, Mute) is working on a film adaptation for 2000AD’s excellent Rogue Trooper. The comic...

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Rebellion is opening a new $100m TV and Film studio in the UK

Posted by on Nov 27, 2018 in All | 1 comment

Rebellion, one of Europe’s leading media companies, has bought a $100m, 220,000 sq ft facility to convert into a film studio near to its...

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Looks like Duncan Jones is going to make a Rogue Trooper movie

Posted by on Jul 15, 2018 in action, All, Comics, Film, News, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

Oh, sweet 2000AD! So many great characters and it has only really been Judge Dredd that has broken through to the big screen. I recently...

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Cool Short – Rogue Trooper: The Quartz Massacre

Posted by on Jul 10, 2018 in action, All, Comics, Film, News, sci-fi, short film, thriller | 0 comments

Rogue Trooper was always one of my favourite characters from 2000AD and I would love to see him on the big screen at some point. However,...

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