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1-800-ON-HER-OWN – Watch the trailer for the new Ani DiFranco documentary

Posted by on Jun 12, 2024 in All, documentary, Film, Trailers | 0 comments

1-800-ON-HER-OWN follows groundbreaking indie musician/feminist Ani DiFranco, founder of the first “woman-run non-corporate queer-happy”...

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Wake Up Punk – The new documentary looking at the origins of punk to premiere at the Glasgow Film Festival

Posted by on Mar 9, 2022 in All, documentary, Film, News | 0 comments

Punk icon Vivienne Westwood stars alongside her son Joe Corré in new documentary, Wake Up Punk. Directed by Nigel Askew the documentary...

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The Go-Go’s -Watch the trailer for new music documentary

Posted by on Jul 2, 2020 in All, documentary, Film, Trailers | 0 comments

The Go-Go’s are rooted in music history as not just a pop phenomenon but groundbreakers as well. Born out of the L.A. punk scene,...

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