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Robert Eggers’ Nosferatu gets a teaser trailer

Posted by on Jun 24, 2024 in All, drama, fantasy, Film, horror, thriller, Trailers | 0 comments

Robert Eggers (The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Northman) has been working on a remake of Nosferatu. The 1922 original was remade back in...

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Take a look at the first image from Robert Eggers’ Nosferatu

Posted by on Nov 20, 2023 in All, drama, fantasy, Film, horror, News, thriller | 0 comments

Robert Eggers (The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Northman) has been working on a remake of Nosferatu. The first image has been released and...

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Video Essay: The Art Movement That Changed Film Forever

Posted by on Jun 29, 2022 in All, drama, Film, News, Video Essay | 0 comments

Thomas Flight has put together another excellent video. This time he is looking at the influence of German Expressionism on film and TV....

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Nosferatu is returning to cinemas for its 100th Anniversary

Posted by on Feb 24, 2022 in All, Books, drama, DVD/Blu-ray, fantasy, Film, horror, News | 0 comments

In 1922 one film changed cinema and defined screen terror. 100 years later, it continues to haunt and terrify audiences. 2022 brings the...

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A Cinema full of Monsters – Part 1

Posted by on Jan 25, 2021 in action, All, drama, fantasy, Film, horror, indie, News, sci-fi, short film, thriller | 0 comments

With Godzilla versus Kong due on 26th March (watch the trailer here), now is a good time to check out the history of monster movies....

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Late To The Party: F.W Murnau’s Nosferatu

Posted by on Jul 5, 2020 in All, Books, drama, fantasy, Film, Headline, horror, Reviews, thriller | 0 comments

If like me, you consider yourself to be a movie fan and a bit of a film buff, you will be familiar with this situation: You are in the...

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Don’t forget that Doug Jones is playing Nosferatu in a new film

Posted by on Apr 14, 2016 in action, All, Film, horror, News | 0 comments

Back in 2014 I shared news of a new Nosferatu film in the works. Directed by David Lee Fisher it has got the mighty Doug Jones – Abe...

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Nosferatu remake to have Doug Jones as Count Orlok

Posted by on Nov 7, 2014 in All, Film, horror, News | 0 comments

This could be very cool. The 1921 F.W. Murnau’s 1921 film Nosferatu: A Symphony of the Night had one of the creepiest vampires ever in the...

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