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Review: Annihilation – “Intelligent and thought-provoking science fiction.”

Posted by on Mar 14, 2018 in All, Books, drama, Film, Headline, horror, Reviews, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

Annihilation is the latest film from Alex Garland. He directed the excellent sci-fi film, Ex Machina. This new one is an adaptation...

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Leeds Film Festival Review: Good Time – “A low-budget but entertaining as hell heist-goes-wrong film”

Posted by on Nov 16, 2017 in action, All, drama, Film, Headline, Reviews, thriller | 0 comments

Good Time has been making a big splash on the festival circuit, and it’s certainly not hard to see why. It’s a low-budget but...

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A Day in the Life of TIFF – Day 8: The Secret Scripture, LBJ, Burn Your Maps

Posted by on Sep 17, 2016 in Film, Headline, News | 0 comments

Day eight of the Toronto International Film Festival means things are really starting to wind down.  The red carpets are fewer and farther...

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