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Dream Horse gets a new trailer and a new release date

Posted by on May 4, 2021 in All, comedy, drama, Film, sport, Trailers | 0 comments

Jan Vokes, a cleaner and bartender, recruits her initially reluctant husband Brian and local accountant Howard Davies to help her bring...

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Review: Dream Horse

Posted by on Aug 31, 2020 in All, comedy, drama, Film, Headline, Reviews | 2 comments

The release of Dream Horse like so many other films was postponed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. As a feel-good drama, it might be a...

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Review: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood – “A genius final act and two phenomenal central performances from DiCaprio and Pitt”

Posted by on Aug 1, 2019 in action, All, comedy, drama, Film, Headline, Reviews, thriller | 0 comments

For a different take check out Adam’s review. There are so many story threads running throughout Once Upon a Timeā€¦ in Hollywood that...

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Which James Bond Prospect would be the best Blackjack Player?

Posted by on May 19, 2016 in action, All, Books, Film, News, thriller | 0 comments

All signs are pointing to Daniel Craig hanging up his tuxedo for the final time, as speculation continues to mount about his successor as...

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