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Blu-ray Review: Jean-Pierre Melville’s Army of Shadows – “a cinematic achievement that deserves to be celebrated”

STUDIOCANAL has announced the release of a brand-new 4K restoration of Jean-Pierre Melville’s WW2 set masterpiece, Army of Shadows, that will be available to own on Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital from 3rd June. The release follows the film’s inclusion in this year’s ‘Cannes Classic’ strand at the Cannes Film Festival.

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I still remember when I first saw the film. A good few years ago now, and I was round at a friend’s house after an evening at the pub. He asked if I had seen Army of Shadows. I muttered something about having meant to have watched but never got round to it. The way we do when we know someone loves a film and you don’t want to let them down. With some wine poured and cheese ready be eaten, I settled down to watch. I am so glad I did as it is an incredible film. Now, with this new restoration I was so pleased to be able to watch it again.

The film is a masterful and unflinching portrayal of the French Resistance during World War II. From the opening shot of German troops marching down the Champs-Élysées, Melville immerses us in the grim realities faced by those who dared to defy the Nazi occupation.

While many war films focus on daring raids and explosive action sequences, Army of Shadows takes a different approach. Melville, a former Resistance fighter himself, is more interested in exploring the psychological toll of living a clandestine life under constant threat of betrayal and death. The film follows a group of Resistance fighters, led by Philippe Gerbier (Lino Ventura), as they navigate the treacherous world of espionage, sabotage, and survival.

The tension is palpable in every scene, as the characters move through a shadowy existence, using false names and living in constant fear of being discovered. Melville masterfully captures the existential dread that permeated their lives, where a single misstep could mean torture or execution.

Melville eschews melodrama and instead relies on subtle gestures and nuanced performances to convey the weight of the characters’ experiences. A scene where Gerbier visits a barber to have his moustache removed is a prime example – not a word is spoken, yet the tension is palpable as the barber silently hands Gerbier a different coat, acknowledging his precarious situation.
The film’s restrained approach extends to its action sequences, which are sparse but impactful. When violence does occur, it is sudden and brutal, reflecting the harsh realities of the Resistance’s struggle.

Roger Ebert added it to his “Great Movies” list, praising its ability to capture the “state of mind” of the Resistance fighters. Cinematographer Roger Deakins and director Lawrence Kasdan have also cited it as a favourite, lauding its mood and sense of place.

Melville’s film is a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought against oppression, often anonymously and without recognition. It is a testament to the human spirit’s ability to persevere in the face of overwhelming adversity, and a cinematic achievement that deserves to be celebrated and studied for generations to come.

You can pre-order it here.

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The new 4K restoration of ARMY OF SHADOWS comes complete with brand-new extras and is the newest addition to the ever-expanding Vintage World Cinema collection from STUDIOCANAL.

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