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Estate – A new short based on the China Miéville story is heading our way

Estate, a short film based on the story by China Miéville (Perdido Street Station, The City & The City), starring Samuel Anderson (Doctor Who, Another Life), Dominique Tipper (The Expanse, The Girl With All The Gifts) and Martin McCann (Calibre, ‘71) is heading our way.

Tensions are running high on an inner-city estate: penned-in like laboratory mice, people are turning vicious, taking out their frustrations on the animals around them

A former resident of the estate returns to orchestrate a strange ritual that appears to be part-spectacle, part-sacrifice: a majestic stag is released to wander the night streets, its antlers streaming with fire

This event – haunting and magnificent, brutal and cruel – leaves the community shaken, but energised in different ways; not just the human observers, but also the local animals, who turn on their abusers and start to fight back…

Estate will be available for online pay-per-view or paid download from 14th August 2020 here.

The original short story was collected in Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories.

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