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Study: Female-Led Movies Earn More

Each time we take a break from online casino websites, we like to catch up on the hottest movie releases. We have noticed, though, that a lot of movies releases in recent years always have male leads. They are great, but we think variety works. We wondered why that was a trend in Hollywood until we came across a recent study. The reason for that was shocking, to say the least.

Women-Led Movies Earn More

Hollywood has, for a long time, had the perception that movies with female leads don’t gross good box office returns. However, a recent study has called this into question. In fact, the study found out that recent movies starring women earn more on average. This was in comparison to movies starring men. To note is the movie Wonder Woman which earned $820 million at the box office.

According to the study, women actually make up about half of all movie ticket sales. However, they do not get enough representation in leading roles on screen.

Recent top movies like Wonder Woman, Moana and Beauty and the Beast have shown that women-led movies earn more. Actually, they have displayed that movies starring women are economically viable. Over the past two years, the number of female directors has increased. On the other hand, the number of female protagonists and female-speaking roles has decreased.

The New York Times documented a study which discovered that top movies which had female leads actually earned more. This was in comparison to their male counterparts from 2014-2017. The study analysed a total of 350 films, 245 led by men and 105 led by women. Surprisingly, women-led films won based on average earnings as well as median take.

The research also found that films that passed the Bechdel test — which measures whether two female characters have a conversation about something other than a man — outperformed those that failed it.

The study changed the misconception that Hollywood has had for the longest time. Actually, after the report, there’s no question whatsoever that women-led films are powerful. These films starring women have proven that their earning power surpasses those of their counterparts. As a result, we hope that the number of women-led films will continue to rise.

The question now is will the film industry take of the results of this study?


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