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John Henry and The Statesman – Dwayne Johnson will team up with figures from folklore and legend

Jake Kasdan (Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle) is directing Dwayne Johnson in Netflix’s John Henry and the Statesman.

The film is described as a family action/adventure film based on an original pitch from writer Wheeler, who will write the film. Johnson will star as John Henry, leading an ensemble cast of the most popular figures from folklore and legend from all around the world.

Johnson had this to say about the project.

“WHEN THE MAN COMES AROUND, Inspired to bring to life one of my childhood heroes, John Henry, in John Henry and the Statesmen. In this movie, I’ll lead an ensemble of the most popular folklore figures and legends from different cultures around the world. [Netflix] is the perfect partner & platform to bring these global folklore icons to life. The Netflix brand speaks directly to our [Seven Bucks Productions] ethos of being bold, ambitious and game changing – and most importantly, always thinking ‘Audience first’ in homes all around the world. The legend of John Henry’s strength, endurance, dignity and cultural pride was instilled in my DNA at a very young age. My dad would sing ‘Big John’ to me every time he would put me to bed.

Directing this big ol’ tentpole is the talented and passionate, Jake Kasdan,” he wrote. “Jake and I found nice success together in a little movie called, Jumanji. Gonna be a lot of fun bringing these legends to life. My childhood hero. The steel driving man and his disruptive band of international folklore legends. JOHN HENRY & THE STATESMEN.

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