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Joe Manganiello talks about what we need for a great Dungeons and Dragons movie

Joe Manganiello (Magic Mike, True Blood) is a huge D&D fan and is trying to get a Dungeons and Dragons movie made. In this video he talks about what a movie set in that universe needs.

I recently got back into the game after picking up the Fifth Edition Starter Set (such good value for money). It has been so much fun playing it again with a group of good friends and I would love to see a decent film based on the game.

Manganiello has some great points. The fact Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings have been so big means that there is definitely space for a new D&D film. There are so many stories and campaigns already written that would be a great basis for a film or TV show.

Manganiello has worked on a script, in addition to taking creative meetings with D&D publisher, Wizards of the Coast. I also love how he goes on about the Dragonlance books and it seems his script is based on that.

You can see in the video that he is truly passionate about this. I for one hope he gets a chance to get the film made.

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