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In the home stretch before DRAGON CON 2014 — some charity news

This week is the crucial countdown before the southeast United States’ biggest convention starts and all of downtown Atlanta gets funky with cosplayers, celebrities and first-timers just excited to find their tribe at last.

One of the cool things that Dragon Con does and not everyone knows how much, is to give to a variety of charities over the last ten years.

I remember in 2005 as hurricane Katrina was wreaking havoc all over the Gulf Coast that I saw members of the 501st Legion  (a Stormtrooper club that does a great deal of charity work) going helmet-in-hand among the crowds in various hotels collecting money for the Red Cross’ efforts. All of this was in the midst of an event and a weekend that people save a year (or more) to be able to attend and was not (to my knowledge) sanctioned by the convention. So for these folks to give so generously and at such a time was very moving to me personally.

Now, I don’t know how much was raised by them that weekend… but I do know how much DC has been able to do for a variety of charities in the last decade, and it is pretty impressive.

Collectively, the Members who attend the convention have raised $311,000 (!) since 2005, and are on track to do well this year with the Atlanta Food Bank as the main charity chosen along as three others for this new program.
One of the cool things the management of Dragon Con did was started just this year — a way to help the local community outside of just one weekend a year with Dragon Con Superheroes .

From their press release: We are pleased to announce the creation of Dragon Con Superheroes , a community service project team for our members, volunteers, and staff. After seeing the amazing impact of the funds raised each year throughout the convention, we are excited to expand our charity efforts to include several projects in and around the Atlanta area each year.

On top of the incredible generosity of our members, the community is strong and loves a good reason to get together outside of Labor Day weekend and we couldn’t think of a better way to do so!


Though I was unable to participate in any of this years’ events (thanks a lot, stupid boobcancer!) I think this is a great way to both keep the spirit of “finding your tribe” going outside of the Con-scene, a fab way to meet like-minded folks and certainly a way to be do-gooders without all the hassle of spandex in a humid climate!


The Superheroes did trail maintenance on Sweetwater Creek State Park located  just outside of Atlanta. This  included trash removal, map-kiosk building and replacements and made the riverside cleaner on over 9 miles of trails for 255 hours of super man/woman-power!


Then was the Walk for Lupus  (not werewolves, I promise… that’s Lupines) where nearly 50 people participated in the event at Piedmont Park, raising $11,000 for research and treatment for this disease, even placing the team in the top five listing  for money donated.
There is scheduled to be a third charity announced closer to the Con, and I hope they get to it ASAP, as we’re just days out from the hottest event for cosplay, panels, a parade, parties, camaraderie and just plain awesome people-watching to happen in Atlanta every year.  If you wish to donate to any of these organizations, please mention Dragon Con when doing so!


P.S. — if you’re like me, and can never have too many cool t-shirts in your wardrobe, you get one for participating in these events. Like you needed another reason…

Dragon Con Superheroes volunteer at Sweetwater Creek State Park in Georgia

Dragon Con Superheroes volunteer at Sweetwater Creek State Park in Georgia


H. Blain plans to attend Dragon Con this year, radiation treatments for her now-gone boob cancer be damned! You can find her on the tweety here: by clicking MediaTsarina and in person. It’ll be easy among 60,000 people!


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