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Nicholas Galitzine will be He-Man in a new Masters of the Universe film

Posted by on May 30, 2024 in action, All, drama, fantasy, Film, News, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

Amazon MGM Studios and Mattel, Inc. have announced that Nicholas Galitzine has been cast as “He-Man” in the upcoming live-action feature...

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LAIKA’s Wildwood gets a voice cast

Posted by on Aug 26, 2022 in action, All, animated, drama, Film | 0 comments

LAIKA President & CEO Travis Knight announced the voice cast for Wildwood, the Oscar®, BAFTA® and Golden Globe® winning animation...

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Review: Bumblebee – “An absolute delight”

Posted by on Dec 17, 2018 in action, All, comedy, drama, Film, Headline, Reviews, sci-fi | 0 comments

As origin stories go, there’s a lot to love about Bumblebee, from the 80s soundtrack and general nostalgia (oh how I’ve missed you,...

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