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Halle Berry tries to protect her children in the trailer for Alexandre Aja’s Never Let Go

Posted by on May 16, 2024 in All, drama, fantasy, Film, horror, sci-fi, thriller, Trailers | 0 comments

From visionary director Alexandre Aja (The Hills Have Eyes, Crawl) and the creative minds behind Stranger Things and Arrival comes Never...

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Review: Never Let Go – “High energy and high intensity”

Posted by on Oct 3, 2016 in action, All, Film, Headline, Reviews, thriller | 0 comments

Available now as a digital download, and out on DVD on the 10th of October, Never Let Go is an action thriller starring Angela Dixon...

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Horror Channel FrightFest 2016: Jon Ford talks about Offensive

Posted by on Jul 27, 2016 in All, Film, Headline, horror, Interviews, News, thriller | 0 comments

Jon Ford, who, alongside his brother Howard, took the zombie genre to new global heights with The Dead & The Dead 2. Here Jon talks...

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Angela Dixon talks to Live for Films about Never Let Go

Posted by on Aug 19, 2015 in action, All, Film, Interviews, News, thriller | 0 comments

Actress Angela Dixon is set to grab the attention of film fans across the globe as Lisa Brennan, a former FBI agent desperately searching...

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