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Review: Anna and the Apocalypse – “Takes all the twee elements of yuletide and musicals and spins them on its severed head”

Posted by on Nov 29, 2018 in action, All, comedy, drama, fantasy, Film, Headline, horror, musical, Reviews, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

Often times, Christmas films that delve into the darker side of things (Die Hard, Gremlins, Lethal Weapon) are the most memorable and...

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EIFF Review: Anna and the Apocalypse – “Has future cult film written all over it”

Posted by on Jul 2, 2018 in action, All, comedy, drama, Film, Headline, horror, musical, Reviews, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

High school. Zombies. Hard to tell sometimes which is more horrific. Add Christmas concert, overbearingly strict new headmaster, boyfriend...

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