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Colin Farrell is The Penguin in the new trailer for The Batman spin-off show

Posted by on Jun 20, 2024 in action, All, Comics, drama, Film, thriller, Trailers, TV | 0 comments

The next chapter in The Batman saga from Matt Reeves. Academy Award Nominee Colin Farrell is The Penguin in the new Max Original Series...

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Colin Farrell is The Penguin in the trailer for The Batman spin-off show

Posted by on Mar 22, 2024 in All, Comics, drama, thriller, Trailers, TV | 0 comments

The next chapter in The Batman saga from Matt Reeves. Academy Award Nominee Colin Farrell is The Penguin in the new Max Original Series...

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Review: The Hunt – “Betty Gilpin is a brilliant action hero”

Posted by on Mar 12, 2020 in action, All, drama, Film, Headline, Reviews, sci-fi, thriller | 0 comments

After a bit of a delay due to Donald Trump and Fox News wetting themselves over a film they hadn’t seen about Trump voters being hunted by...

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