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Watchmen: Chapter 1 – Watch the trailer for the new animated adaptation

Posted by on Jul 11, 2024 in All, Comics, drama, DVD/Blu-ray, Film, sci-fi, thriller, Trailers | 0 comments

Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment has released the new trailer for Watchmen: Chapter 1. The animated feature is a faithful...

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The live-action Cowboy Bebop show gets a new trailer

Posted by on Oct 27, 2021 in action, All, animated, comedy, Comics, drama, sci-fi, thriller, Trailers, TV | 0 comments

Cowboy Bebop is one of the great anime series. If you haven’t seen it then I highly recommend you track it down and get it watched...

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Review: John Carpenter’s The Fog

Posted by on Oct 26, 2018 in action, All, DVD/Blu-ray, Film, Headline, horror, Reviews, thriller | 0 comments

The Fog is John Carpenter’s follow-up to Halloween (setting aside his biopic on Elvis). It’s basically a ghost story about the...

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