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How to Analyze a Film for Your Media Studies Class

The cinematic world is very different from other forms of storytelling, such as literature or theater. In addition to storytelling, it combines audiovisual techniques that create an immersive experience for the viewer. Understanding them allows film students to see the bigger picture and hidden meanings.

But to understand why a certain choice was made and how it affected the film, one should learn how to analyze films. Critical analysis can help to see the intentions of the filmmaker.

In this article, we will show you how to analyze a film. Our guide will help to identify the film’s main themes and symbols. Plus, you’ll be able to receive an A in your media studies class. Keep reading to find out more!

Top 6 steps to quality film analysis

1.   Watch the film with a critical eye

To write a quality film analysis like pro writers from the academic essay writing service, you must first watch the film with a critical eye. Pay close attention to the plot, characters, and themes. After watching a film, think about how it made you feel. Write down your emotions to use it further in your analysis.

2.   Take notes as you watch the film

Before you start watching, think about why you’ve been assigned to analyze this particular movie. This will help you notice main elements of the film that are relevant to your analysis.

As you watch, make sure to take notes. Write down everything that grabs your attention, even the smallest details. These could be unique symbols, unusual shots, or small visual cues.

3.   Understand the context

To understand the context of the film, you need to do a few things. First, research the background of the filmmaker. Often, this information can help to better understand the choice of the main theme and style. Second, research the historical period in which the film was made. Lastly, find out if it includes any cultural or social influences.

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can analyze how all these elements affect the film. You can interpret them in your own way. How do you think they shape the characters, plot, and the message of the film?

4.   Analyze the narrative

Next thing you should do is analyze the narrative. To get it right, break down the plot structure of the film. Then, identify the main narrative elements. Focus on how the story unfolds and analyze the character development. See how their actions develop the plot and influence the story.

You must also pay attention to the techniques used by the filmmaker to engage the viewer. The most famous are suspense, foreshadowing, visual symbolism, and sound design. By noticing them, you can understand how the filmmaker creates the story and a specific atmosphere.

5.   Identify technical elements

Explain the main technical aspects of the film. These include cinematography, sound design, editing, and visual effects. In addition to creating a visually pleasing image, certain techniques can immerse the viewer in the story.

The cinematography, for example, can use different camera angles and lighting techniques to evoke certain emotions or highlight specific details. Sound design, on the other hand, can create tension or heighten dramatic moments through the use of music and sound effects.

6.   Write an introduction and a conclusion

Now that you’ve done the whole analysis, you can write both an introduction and a conclusion. At this point, you can see the clear picture. Therefore, it will be easier to create a catchy intro with a hook that leads to the main idea of the film. Likewise, you can make a strong conclusion that will leave the reader with a lasting impression.

You can also use the best research paper writing service if you need help with your writing. Professional writers can piece together your thoughts and ideas to create a well-structured analysis. Alternatively, you can ask them to edit your writing or check it for coherency and mistakes.


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