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Crowdfund This – Red, White & Broke: Confessions of an American Superhero comic

My good friend (and co-host of the After The Ending podcast) Mike Spring has written a new comic book – Red, White & Broke: Confessions of an American Superhero. The series art is by Dennis Tirona, with variant covers by Drew Moss (Vampirella/Red Sonja, The Crow, Image’s Copperhead) and Ian Chase Nichols (The Tick, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman/TMNT).

Red, White & Broke: Confessions of an American Superhero is a humorous look at the side of superheroes you never see: the financial side.

Meet Robert Rhodes, better known as Captain Stronghold, one of America’s most well-loved superheroes. He’s super-strong, he can fly, and he’s adored by millions. He’s also FLAT BROKE. Busted. Bankrupt. Being a superhero is surprisingly expensive and it’s hard to keep a job when you keep disappearing for hours at a time to save people’s lives.

So Captain Stronghold goes on national television to reveal his secret identity and to turn to the people he’s saved countless times for help… financial help! Yes, the world’s most beloved superhero is launching a crowdfunding campaign to fund his super-heroics! After all, those costumes don’t just pay for themselves!

If you like the sound of that then head on over to the Kickstarter to support it.

THE BOOK IS ALMOST 100% COMPLETE ALREADY!!! It is written, penciled and inked, and the first four pages have been coloured! All three covers are penciled, inked, and coloured (there is some lettering to be added to the newspaper on Drew Moss’s variant cover)! The Kickstarter is basically to fund the last three phases of production: Coloring on the remaining 20 pages, Lettering, and Printing!

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